Rolling is a very important agrotechnical operation significantly affecting the quality of crops and the subsequent harvest. EXPOM has been specializing for almost 30 years in the production of cultivating rollers in all configurations. Before buying a roller, it is worth knowing a number of details about the purpose and construction of the discussed tillage machines.
Rollers mounted on the front and rear three-point linkage of the tractor, this group includes such machines as: PROGRES
Hydraulically foldable, trailed, in this group are such very popular and reliable rollers: JACEK | TYTAN | MAXIMUS
Sharp, hydraulic folding, trailed, stands out in this group GLADIO, additionally flooded with water
Our rollers are equipped with CAMBRDIGE, ZIG-ZAG, CAMPBELL, STEEL PACK rings. Each of them performs its own separate role and has a specific purpose.
The direct benefits of using EXPOM arable rollers are:
- leveling the field and breaking the lumps
- improving the contact of seeds with soil, which has a significant impact on the east
- moisture retention
- reduction of soil erosion
- improvement of soil structure
The rollers can also be successfully used for post-harvest cultivation in order to accelerate the process of decomposition of straw and post-harvest residues as well as the germination of sprinkled seeds, including weed seeds. Rollers are also used on grasslands.

Φ500|530|600 mm
intended for pre- and post-sowing cultivation
Leveling the field and breaking the lumps, improving the contact of seeds with the soil, which significantly affects the evenness of emergence, retaining moisture, reducing soil erosion, improving soil structure. The rollers can also be successfully used for post-harvest cultivation in order to accelerate the process of decomposition of straw and post-harvest residues as well as the germination of sprinkled seeds, including weed seeds. These machines are also used on grasslands

Φ530 mm
intended for pre-sowing cultivation
The main advantage of the use of conical rings is
the cultivation is that the fine compacted earth is underneath, loosened, lumpy on top. The roller is ideal for the care of grasslands because during operation it does not damage plants and does not damage sown seeds. During turning, the shaft cleans itself very well due to the transverse movement of the rings against each other. Improving the soil structure, leveling the field and breaking clods, the zig-zag is made for this

Φ700 mm 30° | 45°
compaction of subsoil immediately after plowing. When selecting a shaft with campbell rings, you should also pay attention to the blade angle. The angles of the blades are selected according to the type of cultivated soil. Rings with a diameter of 700 mm have angles of 30 ° and 45 °. On medium, heavy and mixed soils, we use rings with a point angle of 30 °, and on light soils with a point angle of 45 °.

Φ600 mm
made of closed, pair-welded steel plates with toothed working edges, OX has it as standard. diameter 600 mm on a common axis. Adjustable scrapers are installed between the discs to prevent the shaft from clogging. The roller crumbles the soil very well and re-compacts it to a great depth due to the high weight and narrow working edges of the discs. Cuts the lumps and crushes lumps, pushes the stones into the soil. When cultivating stubble, crop residues are well mixed with the soil. Due to the smooth surface, the shaft does not tend to stick.